Jigyasa’s Express-Modeler modeling methodology and its PDISM model scores allow all organizations, whether they are small ones with very few donors, to very large ones with millions of them, to leverage the power of Machine Learning and AI to achieve superior fundraising results
Jigyasa can still help you leverage the power of Machine Learning and AI to get superior results for your fundraising efforts
Jigyasa has leveraged its Express Modeler methodology, and the power of Machine Learning and AI to develop PDISM scores for different non-profit segments. The PDISM scores Identifies the best prospects for your non-profits and will be used to develop your seed campaign(s).
Once the donor base reaches a critical mass, the models will learn from the campaign results to modify and customized the PDISM seed scores
The modified scores will be used for newer campaigns and the learning feedback loop will continue, keeping the custom PDISM scores up to date
Jigyasa can still help you leverage the power of Machine Learning and AI to get superior results for your fundraising efforts
Jigyasa has leveraged its Express Modeler methodology, and the power of Machine Learning and AI to develop PDISM scores for different non-profit segments. Our models will learn from your donor base to modify the PDISM seed scores and develop custom PDISM scores for your campaigns
The models will learn from your campaign results to modify the customized the PDISM scores
The modified scores will be used for newer campaigns and the learning feedback loop will continue, keeping the custom PDISM scores up to date
Jigyasa can help you leverage the power of Machine Learning and AI to get superior results for your fundraising efforts
Jigyasa has leveraged its Express Modeler methodology, and the power of Machine Learning and AI to develop PDISM scores for different non-profit segments. Our models will learn from your existing donors and campaign results to develop custom PDISM scores for your campaigns by modifying the PDISM seed scores
The models will learn from your new campaign results to modify the customized the PDISM scores
The modified scores will be used for newer campaigns and the learning feedback loop will continue, keeping the custom PDISM scores up to date